2025 MCPA Winter Social & “Ghost Towns and Mines of Washington” Presentation

Come join us at Jennings Barn in Marysville on Saturday March 1. Members, non-members, friends, families, and anyone else are all welcome to attend. This is the MCPA’s annual winter get-together to meet up and discuss all things Monte Cristo during the months the Mountain Loop Highway is closed.

We’ll have a potluck dinner starting at 5:30, then we have several topics of information to share beginning about 6:00. Doors will be open ~5:00 to set up for the potluck. Bring a meal to share if you would like to participate, or just come for the meeting/presentation. Utensils, plates and drinks will be provided.

We’ll discuss current news relating to MCPA and the Monte Cristo Area, and our work plans for the 2025 season.

We will also have a special presentation by Tim Nyhus from “Ghost Towns and Mines of Washington”; Tim has been exploring and documenting Washington’s abandoned and distant places for 15 plus years. His facebook group https://www.facebook.com/ghosttownsofwashington/ has an extensive following and a vast collection of posts, videos and photos from visiting historic places from all over Washington.

Map to Jennings Barn / Memorial Park: https://maps.app.goo.gl/CbrxrhRpNMhvnD4E6

October 19, 2024 Volunteer Work Party – Postponed

Due to inclement weather we will not be officially meeting for a work party this Saturday. Should another decent weekend be available this season we will post notice here.

Join us Saturday October 19 9:00AM at Barlow Pass for our next 2024 volunteer work party. Weather permitting, we may continue the paint project on the powerhouse in the townsite. Also, given the upcoming season/closure, prepping the trails and roads to withstand winter rains is also necessary. There is also a fallen log on the first mile of the road we may remove.

At least one of us will be at the Barlow Pass gate at 9:00 to meet up with others as needed. You’re welcome to come start early and/or stay however long you prefer.

September 21, 2024 Work Party

Join us Saturday September 21 9:00AM at Barlow Pass for our next 2024 volunteer work party. Intend to work on trails/road as well as maintenance work in the townsite. If you want to hike/bike into the townsite, we have potential plans to paint the outside of the powerhouse/cabin (the first structure after you cross the steel bride). There mau be supplies to carry in.

At least one of us will be at the Barlow Pass gate at 9:00 to meet up with others as needed. You’re welcome to come start early and/or stay however long you prefer.

August 17 2024 Work Party

Join us Saturday August 17 9:00AM at Barlow Pass for our next 2024 volunteer work party. Intend to work on trails/road as well as maintenance work in the townsite.

There is forecast of showers and potential thunderstorms, although expected only in the afternoon/evening. Plan accordingly.

We’ll meet at Barlow Pass gate 9:00 AM; if you have your own key you can drive in and begin at any point. We’ll have someone at the gate at 9:00 either way to let others in.

July 20 2024 Volunteer Work Party

Join us Saturday July 20 9:00AM at Barlow Pass for our second volunteer work party of 2024. Work on/near the bypass trails and river crossing will be our focus. There are also tasks to tend to in the townsite for anyone wanting to make that trip.

Weather will certainly be hot and dry – bring plenty of liquids. Bring your own trail work hand tools (clippers, shovels, rakes, saw, etc).

We’ll meet at Barlow Pass gate 9:00 AM; if you have your own key you can drive in and begin at any point. We’ll have someone at the gate at 9:00 either way to let others in.

June 15th Work Party Wrap-Up

Weather Report: snowing at Barlow Pass. Reports of snow on ground at Monte Cristo

A few of us took chainsaws up the Monte Cristo road and cleared ~10 windfalls from the road.

Clayslide is quite passable but there is a large slide mid-way that has almost taken out the trail.

Log crossing is nearly submerged, but the water channel diverts back to the main channel just downstream and leaves a very shallow crossing to the gravel bar just prior to the outhouse. From there it only takes a few steps to get back to the downstream end of the upper bride and back onto the roadway. A lot of water flow under the second bridge, although it is abruptly diverted due to a log jam just downstream. No signs of any further bridge abutment erosion.

Some photos of the logs cleared shown below.

First 2024 Volunteer Work Party – June 15

Join us Saturday June 15 9:00AM at Barlow Pass for our first volunteer work party of 2024. Most of the day will be spent clearing debris and blowdowns from winter storms. There are many trees across the road/trail, so bring cutting equipment if you have it. Also had tools (shovels / rakes) for clearing debris from the road.

Unclear what the weather might do – but plan for some rain.

We’ll meet at Barlow Pass gate 9:00 AM; if you have your own key you can drive in and begin at any point. We’ll have someone at the gate at 9:00 either way to let others in. Bring food, drink and warm clothes!

Mountain Loop Highway opened / Monte Cristo Access update

The Mountain Loop Highway Deer Creek gate was opened [early] on April 19. This means you can now drive from Granite Falls to Barlow Pass. The MLH is still closed between Barlow Pass and Bedal.

Access to the townsite is open as well, a 4 mile hike from Barlow Pass.

You may have heard mention of the “crossing log” being swept away at twin bridges over the winter. Indeed it did move downstream a bit, and is no longer accessible from the west river bank. However, with the way the river channels have changed, there is an easy footpath to cross the rocky riverbed just downstream from the log. Turn left to the river just before the wooden outhouse, and walk up the riverbed to the location of the log, where you’ll again meet up with the trail. We’ll be flagging this area soon to guide visitors.

Also, the Barlow Pass gate was damaged by an automobile in November 2023. Our normal lock system is not operational and the gate is currently chained shut. We’ll post an update here when members will again be able to use their gate key to access the first mile of the Monte Cristo Road.

Monte Cristo Letterpress Documents

Fred Cruger of the Granite Falls Historical Society recently scanned 2600+ pages of correspondence between the mining corporation at Monte Cristo and their counterparts in Everett, WA and beyond. The letters were painstakingly reproduced by Forrest Johanson over a period of years, resulting in a renewed copy of the 100+ year old hand-typed originals. Browse through this content and re-live the day-to-day operations (and troubles, mostly) encountered in the Monte Cristo Mining Area.

Thanks Fred and Forrest for preserving and sharing this content!


Some samples of the content you’ll find:

2024 Winter Social

We had a great turnout for the winter social. About 40 persons in attendance, including some new and recently joined members. We had a great dinner and lots of conversation, followed by a short presentation of news and events relating to MCPA, followed by Louise Lindgren’s presentation on historical artifacts in the Monte Cristo Mining Area. I hope to be able to link to some of that content herein soon.Thanks to everyone who attended and hope to see everyone again soon.
We’ll be having our annual meeting and lunch in the June time frame. Watch here for details.