We’ll be having our standard 3rd Saturday work party on August 20. Meet us at 9:00 AM at the Barlow Pass gate. There is trail work to be done on the first section of the county road as well as improvements to be made at the twin bridges area. Bring dirt tools and plenty of water. Plan for a warm sunny day.
Category Archives: News
July 17 2022 work party
Meet ua at 9:00 AM at the Barlow Pass gate. There is trail work to be done on the first section of the county road. Bring dirt tools and plenty of water. Plan for a warm sunny day.
June 18 work party deferred
Due to threat of wet/stormy weather, we have decided to postpone the June 18th work party. We will plan for next Saturday, June 25th instead. Check back here next week for confirmation.
June 18 2022 Work Party
Please join use Saturday June 18 for the first 2022 MCPA work party.
Work Parties will be each 3rd Saturday of the month.
Meet at Barlow Pass gate for a 9:00 AM start. We typically work until early afternoon. You may stay as long as you choose.
June 18 we will certainly have a full days work clearing windfalls from the county road. Likely there will also be trail maintenance to do after the winter season, so bring tools and supplies as you see fit for those tasks.
MCPA 2022 Annual Meeting June 4
Please join us Saturday June 4 at 12:00 noon for our 2022 Annual Meeting. Due to ongoing COVID concerns and restrictions, the meeting will be virtual using Teams.
We’ll miss our usual pot-luck lunch at Verlot, but we will have plenty of information to share and bring everyone up to speed on all things Monte Cristo.
Agenda items will include introduction of our 2022 Board of Directors, MCPA Financial report, update on road and trail access, news on progress being made on our interpretive site, and plans for our 2022 work parties. We’ll also have a trivia Q&A session, with the person who answers the most questions winning an all-expenses paid 2022 MCPA membership.
Also, because this is our first meeting and communication of the season, a friendly reminder that MCPA memberships are due; recall our annual membership now runs from January to December. Membership payments can be made to the MCPA PO Box or also through paypal as found on the MCPA website www.mcpa.us “Membership” page. Mailing address for payments is also available on the Membership page.
Thanks for your support and we hope to see you (virtually) on June 4.
– The MCPA Board of Directors
Please check your email for Teams meeting link, or contact us as seen on the “Contact” page if you need the link.
2022 (virtual) Winter Social confirmed
We will be holding our annual winter social event, but due to the ongoing restrictions and gathering concerns, it will be virtual this year.
We have arranged for a presentation by the WA Dept of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) on the topic of the Grey Wolf population in Washington. Two specialists from the WFDW will tell us about their ongoing efforts to track and study this endangered (yet recovering) population.
The meeting will be 6:30PM on Saturday February 12th. A Teams link to join the meeting will be provided here (and in an email to members) the week of the event.
Hope to have everyone join and happy new year!
Volunteer Work Party October 16, 2021 @ 9:00AM
Friday night update
Yes we will meet saturday 10/16
Meet us at Barlow Pass Saturday October 16 for the next MCPA volunteer work party. We will drive the first 3/4 mile of the county road then hike towards town, clearing brush and tending to trailwork along the way.
Due to uncertain fall weather – this work party is weather dependent. We will reschedule if the forecast for Saturday is less than desirous. Please check back here at mcpa.us for a final update Friday afternoon. If there is a need to postpone, it will be noted here, otherwise plan for Saturday the 16th as noted.
Meet at Barlow Pass green gate by 9:00AM. Barlow Pass is 30 miles east of Granite Falls on the Mountain Loop Highway. We will be waiting as a group at the Barlow Pass Gate up until 9:00AM, at which point we will drive upriver on the old county road. Stay as long as you like, but we typically work until 3:00ish. Those hiking into town may choose to stay longer, in order to make better use of the trip.
Fall weather is upon us, so dress accordingly and/or bring a change of clothes.
September 2021 Work Party re-scheduled
Due to stormy weather forecast for the 9/18 weekend, we have chosen to reschedule the September work party one week out for the 25th instead. As of today the forecast looks decent for that weekend. No sense working in the rain.
Please see prior post for work party details, which will remain the same except for 9/25 instead of 9/18.
Volunteer Work Party September 18, 2021 @ 9:00AM
Meet us at Barlow Pass Saturday September 18 for the next MCPA volunteer work party. We will drive the first 3/4 mile of the county road then hike towards town, clearing brush and tending to trailwork along the way.
The plan will be to walk all the way into town carrying string and brush trimmers so we can tackle new growth around the cabins, turntable and trails. Others may stay behind and work on brushing the county road if desired. Bring any trailwork tools you have that might be helpful. The MCPA has several gas trimmers to use.
Meet at Barlow Pass green gate by 9:00AM. Barlow Pass is 30 miles east of Granite Falls on the Mountain Loop Highway. We will be waiting as a group at the Barlow Pass Gate up until 9:00AM, at which point we will drive upriver on the old county road. Stay as long as you like, but we typically work until 3:00ish. Those hiking into town may choose to stay longer, in order to make better use of the trip.
Fall weather is upon us, so dress accordingly and/or bring a change of clothes.
Volunteer Work Party August 21, 2021 @ 9:00AM
Meet us at Barlow Pass Saturday August 21 for the next MCPA volunteer work party. We will drive the first 3/4 mile of the county road then hike towards town, clearing brush and tending to trailwork along the way.
The plan will be to walk all the way into town carrying string and brush trimmers so we can tackle new growth around the cabins, turntable and trails. Others may stay behind and work on brushing the county road if desired. Bring any trailwork tools you have that might be helpful. The MCPA has several gas trimmers to use.
Meet at Barlow Pass green gate by 9:00AM. Barlow Pass is 30 miles east of Granite Falls on the Mountain Loop Highway. We will be waiting as a group at the Barlow Pass Gate up until 9:00AM, at which point we will drive upriver on the old county road. Stay as long as you like, but we typically work until 3:00ish. Those hiking into town may choose to stay longer, in order to make better use of the trip.