
logoMembership and general information:
Monte Cristo Preservation Association (MCPA)
P. O. Box 471
Everett, Washington 98206​

Donations to MCPA may be made using the Membership form or using the PayPal button below. When donating using PayPal, please include your mailing address and indicate if you want the donation to apply towards the Interpretive Site fund in the PayPal note section.

Board of Directors:

The board is the governing body of the MCPA and meets one evening each month, between May and November, more often if necessary. You do not have to be a board member to attend meetings. The board seeks members with these skills: membership, legal work, marketing, budget analysis, secretarial, graphics, computer, artistic, grant writing, publications, web design and photography. Any members interested in joining can contact us at​, or view the membership page herein.

The elected directors for 2023 are:
President:Mike Kahler
Vice President:Craig O’Brien
Corresponding Secretary:Cary Thielen
Treasurer:David Hartze
Education Committee:David Cameron, Louise Lindgren
Advisors:Doug Hammond, Kal Klass
Newsletter Editor:Ruth Danielson
Webmaster: Mike Kahler

At the direction of the Board of Directors, funds are spent on maintenance of the county road for hikers and people on bicycles. Funds also go towards producing and mailing newsletters, buying food for work parties, exhibits, brochures, and some miscellaneous expenses.

Contact Info​

Kal Klass