August Newsletter posted and Historical Monte Cristo Resort Information

August newsletter is posted on the newsletters page.

With the emphasis on the townsite cabin maintenance this season, I find it appropriate to make available some history on the townsite cabins and former resort.

David Cameron has provided this excellent summary of the townsite resort. MC Resort Purchase Essay

Also, Jim Sekulich provided a copy of a 1965 publication which was available to resort visitors in the mid 1960’s. The publication and drawings were created by the resort owners, including Ken and Flo Schilaty. Most interesting is the resort’s hopes to build a gondola to the top of Wilman’s Peak and provide the “Greatest Winter Sports Area in the NorthWest”. 7-1-1965 MC Mountaineer

It is the MCPA’s hope to maintain that same enthusiasm for the Monte Cristo area (minus the gondola, of course).

August 2018 work party recap

We had another productive work party August 18. Our biggest task of re-roofing FS cabin #3 is precisely 50% done; we plan to complete the second half at the September 15 work party; we also found a couple broken rafters on the opposite side of the roof which will need repair too.

Other work accomplished included white trim painted on Cabins 1 and 2, brushcutting up the glacier basin trail, and improving the accessibility of the monte cristo road/trail at the entrance to the clayslide.

See the photo album below showing the before, during and after condition of Cabin #3 roof.
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Reminder – August 18 Work Party – 9:00 AM

Meet us at Barlow pass gate 9:00 am to begin the trip into the townsite for our August work party. We plan to replace the roof on the FS cabin #3 as it is failing and causing deterioration to the structure. We will also be finishing the paint job on the 3 cabins, and will have several other projects to tend to. Supplies for the maintenance jobs will be provided; feel free to bring any ground and trail work tools you have if you want to do trail work.

We’ll plan to stay until early afternoon (2 or 3) but those working on the roof can stay later as needed to finish.

See you there – feel free to let us know you’re coming so we know who to expect at Barlow.

MCPA Board of Directors

Past and Present Board Members – from left to right:

Craig O’Brien – Vice President
David Hartze – Treasurer
David Cameron – Education Committee
Mike Kahler – President
Bill Rawlins – Prior Treasurer
Louise Lindgren – Education Committee
Kal Klass – Advisor
Doug Hammond – Advisor
Ruth Danielson – Newsletter Editor
Not pictured: Kathy Pierson, Corresponding Secretary

MCPA Board - Past & Present

August 18, 2018 Work Party Planned

Our August work party is planned for 9:00AM on Saturday August 18. We will finish the painting of the resort cabins and plan to re-roof cabin #3; the roof on cabin #3 is deteriorated to the point water is leaking inside and will soon cause structural damage. We’re still working the details but can surely use help moving materials, removing the old shingles, making repairs and installing new shingles. Please come join us if you have construction or roofing experience. We also have some signage at the townsite needing repair, will have the paint supplies to complete the cabin paint, and will certainly have brushing and other activities to tend to.

Meet at Barlow Pass gate at 9:00AM, where we can consolidate our group and supplies then head into the townsite via the new access road. We’ll plan to have 2 groups exiting to accommodate schedules, such as one early afternoon (2:00) and another later in the early evening (5 or so). This will allow for the most attendance but also give us a full day to work the larger tasks.

Any questions or comments, see the “Contact Us” page. Also let us know if you plan to attend so we can arrange for supplies as needed and have an idea who to expect at the gate.

July 2018 Work Party – Fresh Paint!

Our July work party was a huge success. We had a great turnout – thanks to everyone who joined us and all the work you did.

Projects included:
Re-install the MCPA bulletin board roof at the clay slide area.
Surveying and mapping of the MCPA townsite lot for planning for our interpretive site.
Greeting visitors and providing tours of the townsite
Researching and surveying the locations of original townsite structures using period maps/surveys.
Brushing and cleanup around the townsite and trails
Cleaning culverts and improving drainage
Painting the 3 resort cabins in the old railyard

The cabins look great with their first new coat of paint in 30+ years. We still have finish work to do, such as the white trim work, which we will tackle at our August work party (Saturday, August 18); see newest postings for more information.

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