Join us Saturday August 17 for our next summer volunteer work party in the Monte Cristo Townsite. Main project will be working on installing the roofing on resort cabin #4 and doing some structural repairs to the same. There will be plenty of work to accomplish on the ground as well, such as handing up materials, hauling materials into town and townsite brush clearing.
Meet us at the barlow pass gate in time to leave at 9:00. Please RSVP via email as found on the “contact us” page so we’ll know who to expect and/or wait for. We’ll begin congregating at the barlow gate by 8:30 and will plan to leave for town (via the new road) at 9:00. Remember there is no cell phone service once past Verlot so there is no meands to tell is you’re running late.
We’ll plan to be working in town until 2 or 3 in the afternoon.
Volunteers and members are welcome; we can provide transportation into town if your vehicle is not capable of the high clearance road.