Please join us Saturday June 4 at 12:00 noon for our 2022 Annual Meeting. Due to ongoing COVID concerns and restrictions, the meeting will be virtual using Teams.
We’ll miss our usual pot-luck lunch at Verlot, but we will have plenty of information to share and bring everyone up to speed on all things Monte Cristo.
Agenda items will include introduction of our 2022 Board of Directors, MCPA Financial report, update on road and trail access, news on progress being made on our interpretive site, and plans for our 2022 work parties. We’ll also have a trivia Q&A session, with the person who answers the most questions winning an all-expenses paid 2022 MCPA membership.
Also, because this is our first meeting and communication of the season, a friendly reminder that MCPA memberships are due; recall our annual membership now runs from January to December. Membership payments can be made to the MCPA PO Box or also through paypal as found on the MCPA website “Membership” page. Mailing address for payments is also available on the Membership page.
Thanks for your support and we hope to see you (virtually) on June 4.
– The MCPA Board of Directors
Please check your email for Teams meeting link, or contact us as seen on the “Contact” page if you need the link.