June 15th Work Party Wrap-Up

Weather Report: snowing at Barlow Pass. Reports of snow on ground at Monte Cristo

A few of us took chainsaws up the Monte Cristo road and cleared ~10 windfalls from the road.

Clayslide is quite passable but there is a large slide mid-way that has almost taken out the trail.

Log crossing is nearly submerged, but the water channel diverts back to the main channel just downstream and leaves a very shallow crossing to the gravel bar just prior to the outhouse. From there it only takes a few steps to get back to the downstream end of the upper bride and back onto the roadway. A lot of water flow under the second bridge, although it is abruptly diverted due to a log jam just downstream. No signs of any further bridge abutment erosion.

Some photos of the logs cleared shown below.

First 2024 Volunteer Work Party – June 15

Join us Saturday June 15 9:00AM at Barlow Pass for our first volunteer work party of 2024. Most of the day will be spent clearing debris and blowdowns from winter storms. There are many trees across the road/trail, so bring cutting equipment if you have it. Also had tools (shovels / rakes) for clearing debris from the road.

Unclear what the weather might do – but plan for some rain.

We’ll meet at Barlow Pass gate 9:00 AM; if you have your own key you can drive in and begin at any point. We’ll have someone at the gate at 9:00 either way to let others in. Bring food, drink and warm clothes!