It’s almost June and the Mountain Loop is nearly thawed out. The Mountain Loop highway has reopened from Deer Creek to Barlow Pass, providing road access to the Monte Cristo trail and townsite. The remainder of the mountain loop (from Barlow to Bedal) will likely be re-opened by Memorial Day Weekend.
We will hold our annual meeting on June 5th, 2021 11:00AM PDT. Due to COVID restrictions and a lack of public gathering places, the meeting will be virtual using Zoom. You may connect to the meeting (details below) either from your computer or phone. Please plan to join early to ensure your connectivity and audio setup.
Our first work party of the year will be held on June 19, and each 3rd Saturday thereafter. Meet us at Barlow Pass gate by 9:00AM. On June 19th we will be walking the county road clearing windfalls and brushing the trails. Dress for the weather. Because we’ll have direct access to the county road, there will be no specific end time, although most volunteers stay until around 3:00PM.
Lastly, annual membership dues (Still $25) are due as of January. Please see the membership information at the “Membership” link above.
New this year we have added an option to join the MCPA, pay membership and make online donations to MCPA using PayPal. See the new PayPal links on the Membership and Contact Pages. If you do use the online payment option, please include in the note the purpose of the payment (New Member, Renewal, Gate Key, Donation, etc). For new members, please also fill out the membership form and email to Also for donations, include in the note if you want the donation specific to the Interpretive Site fund. Lastly, if donating via PayPal and you are not a current member, please include your mailing address in the PayPal note section.
Zoom meeting details:
Time: June 5, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 160 055 7720
Join online: