September 2021 Work Party re-scheduled

Due to stormy weather forecast for the 9/18 weekend, we have chosen to reschedule the September work party one week out for the 25th instead. As of today the forecast looks decent for that weekend. No sense working in the rain.

Please see prior post for work party details, which will remain the same except for 9/25 instead of 9/18.

Volunteer Work Party September 18, 2021 @ 9:00AM

Meet us at Barlow Pass Saturday September 18 for the next MCPA volunteer work party. We will drive the first 3/4 mile of the county road then hike towards town, clearing brush and tending to trailwork along the way.

The plan will be to walk all the way into town carrying string and brush trimmers so we can tackle new growth around the cabins, turntable and trails. Others may stay behind and work on brushing the county road if desired. Bring any trailwork tools you have that might be helpful. The MCPA has several gas trimmers to use.

Meet at Barlow Pass green gate by 9:00AM. Barlow Pass is 30 miles east of Granite Falls on the Mountain Loop Highway. We will be waiting as a group at the Barlow Pass Gate up until 9:00AM, at which point we will drive upriver on the old county road. Stay as long as you like, but we typically work until 3:00ish. Those hiking into town may choose to stay longer, in order to make better use of the trip.

Fall weather is upon us, so dress accordingly and/or bring a change of clothes.